I had the most amazing opening night for Secret and Sacred. It was really special. The feedback was that I had really managed to create the feeling of stillness and contemplation found in the attic at Islington Mill.
My knitted glow in the dark reliquiries to abandoned art work really seemed to work and created a lot of intrigue, as did all the symbols I created. I had a lot of conversations about the human need to try to add meaning to symbols.

“Secret and Sacred” was an installation based on time spent in the Islington Mill attic on a recent “secret” residency. I created a pop-up shrine containing a collection of reliquaries devoted to the remnants of artwork I discovered up there.I’d like to thank Phoebe and John for helping me to set up, Islington Mill for letting me use the attic and gallery space, Maurice Carlin and the Islington Mill Art Academy, for guidance along the way, David Burrows for his magical photography and Uppingham Yarns for being the only place in the UK I could find glow in the dark knitting machine yarn.